
Pardon My Fangirl

For those of you who watch Doctor Who (hehehehe whoooo whooo), this post will make perfect sense. I don't think any of you do, however. Sorry. Now go watch it. (Sister, prepare yourself for summer. I'm sure our father will be on board with my evil plans to watch ALL OF IT. The way we watched Gilmore Girls and Remmington Steele. Only with less me going to ballet and missing chunks.)

So here's the story. I had this boyfriend, and he started me watching Doctor Who. I was game, he was nervous I would hate it. He was quite wrong, because I instantly fell in love. This is New Who, mind you, not Classic. Classic is on the to-watch list. Anyway. It got to the point where watching Doctor Who was the best part of our relationship, which along with a lot of other things, was a sign that it needed to end. It was a minor detail, really. Why am I even mentioning the ex? Because watching this show was something we did together, so it felt weird to do it on my own once we split, like it would remind me of him or be awkward in some way. Also, I was really close to Doomsday, and that's a hugely emotional episode which I was avoiding. For a while, I just tried not to think about Doctor Who. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. I gave in, and picked up where the ex and I left off.

It turns out that Doctor Who is better than a lot of things, like, beyond rationally good. For me, anyway. (And all of tumblr. No big deal.) I have gotten really emotionally and intellectually invested in books, and movies. I have sat in the theater and bawled my little eyes out over fictional characters, and shut myself in my room to re-read novels like I was visiting old friends. TV, however, was always just kind of...there. I've loved shows and characters and writers before, don't get me wrong. I've certainly had obsessions. Occasionally a tear has escaped me because of them. Doctor Who is different. I'm sure you have all seen Hunger Games. Remember when Rue died? (Erm. Spoiler alert.) I know I wept like a baby/someone had just removed one of my limbs, and I imagine at least one of you did as well, little followers. Doctor Who made me cry like that last night. I am that deeply connected to these characters. They're as real to me as the flesh and blood people I interact with every day. I have not felt these feels since Hunger Games, which are feels I hadn't felt since Harry Potter! These are big, huge, Fangirl Feels. And I cannot contain them. So here you go, internet. Have some of my feels.


  1. Gah! I LOVE Doctor Who! I've been a secret fan of it for just about forever, and I'm so ridiculously excited when I find other people who love it as much as I do! This is great news! Let's talk about how awesome it is!

  2. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! At least one quarter of the love that Doctor Who brings is the fandom itself. It's just...the things it does to your heart and mind are so ridiculous! How does a television program do that? It's like Doctor Who is the Vincent Van Gogh of the TV world (reference entirely intended), whereas Jersey Shore is the grocery list you left on the counter that someone thought everyone ought to see. It's legitimately the greatest thing I have ever viewed. My obsession is starting to freak out/annoy the people who I am in close contact with, because they do not understand, because they have not taken this emotional journey. Gah.

  3. Well they should undertake the wonderful journey that is Doctor Who. It might take all their time, and then gradually start to consume their entire life, but that's OK, because as far as all consuming passions go, this is the best type.

  4. Seriously, though. I cannot think of a better form of entertainment to control my life. Except maybe Harry Potter. But this is new to me, and therefore there is much more to explore.
